Our book this week was Owl Moon. A child goes owling with her father. It's a beautifully written story and so simple, yet you find yourself on the edge of you seat waiting to hear an owl. We all practiced our owl calls - who, who, who, whoooooo. I also enjoyed reading many non-fiction books about owls. We looked at the snowy owl, barn owls, and many others. We learned that all owls have a facial disc, amazing eyesight, and excellent hearing. I also found it interesting that the fathers do most of the hunting to feed the young. It's so much work that by the time the babies are ready to hunt on their own, they are larger than their overworked dads. We didn't do many activities this week. It was really about getting back into a routine after the Christmas break. We did, however, go to the Discovery Science Center where Jason and Beth took a class on owls. They dissected an owl pellet. Actually, Jason dissected one. Beth thought it was too gross. As for Adam, he was too young for the class but we enjoyed playing in the museum. And a friend has collected owl pellets on her walks so maybe he'll get to dissect one himself soon enough.