This week we measured things. We read a book about how big blue whales are but that they are not the biggest thing. Mount Everest is bigger. And Earth is bigger. And the universe is even bigger. Imagine how proud I was when Adam then says, "but God is bigger."

So rather than focusing on whales, we focused on measuring. We measured our height. We measured our weight. We measured food and made banana bread.
We did still read books about whales and dolphins, and Adam even constructed this mobile.

In other activities, Adam is growing out of many of our preschool tools and instead teaching Jill how to use them. Here he shows her how to trace the letters in the rice. He kept reminding her to start at the happy face :)

This is just another sign to me confirming that he is ready for kindergarten. This is exciting and scary all at the same time. But for now, we've still got X, Y, and we go!