Adam's Preschool at Home
We're doing the alphabet A-Z. And while it's directed at my four year old Adam, everyone's enjoying our alphabet adventure. Join us!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Z is for Zoo!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Y is for Yes, it is Yellow!
Our other Y theme was yellow. Adam drew and colored a yellow boat with a yellow sun (sing with me - We all live in a Yellow Submarine!) And note the "yes" he wrote on his paper. He was so proud of that word that he wrote it to show Daddy later. The picture was drawn the next day to add decoration to his "yes."
Monday, May 9, 2011
X is for X-ray
Monday, April 11, 2011
W is for Whale
We did still read books about whales and dolphins, and Adam even constructed this mobile. In other activities, Adam is growing out of many of our preschool tools and instead teaching Jill how to use them. Here he shows her how to trace the letters in the rice. He kept reminding her to start at the happy face :) This is just another sign to me confirming that he is ready for kindergarten. This is exciting and scary all at the same time. But for now, we've still got X, Y, and we go!
Monday, March 28, 2011
U is for Umbrella
The Umbrella is the story of a boy who goes into the cloud forest to search for animals. While he searches from high in the trees, all the animals he hopes to see crowd into his umbrella waiting for him at the bottom of the tree. It's a simple tale but introduces unique animals like the tapir and quetzal as well as a Spanish speaking tree frog. And the beautiful art keeps everyone staring at the pages.
We were fortunate to actually have rain during U week but wouldn't you know it, we could not find our umbrella. It's still missing...We just don't actually use an umbrella very often here in sunny southern California...we did observe the rain and talk about the water cycle while catching raindrops.
Occasionally on our daily walks, we'll hunt for the letter of the week. For example, for P we were hunting for pots. Well this week on our walk Adam found this U-shaped bush. I would never have even noticed but yep, it's a U. He was very proud and without hesitating said, "take a picture of me with the U."
One more thing I want to share about what we do every week...Beth, my proud first grader, reads the "Sound Box" books to Adam. There's a book for every letter and a character for every letter. "Little U" for example fills up her sound box with things that begin with her sound like umbrellas, ugly ducklings, and an umpire. They are silly and often non-sensical but Adam loves this part of the week because Beth reads to him. He asks and she proudly reads to him. And every week as I watch them together I remember one of the many reasons why I love homeschooling :) (this picture is actually taken at our library before Beth heads to gymnastics, hence the leotard :)Wednesday, March 23, 2011
T is for Train and Tents
Saturday, February 26, 2011
V is for Valentine
On Valentine's Day, Adam chose this shirt all on his own saying, "This is my Valentine shirt."
Unfortunately, starting the day before, the flu hit our family. One at a time, it took a good 10 days of our life. Oh least it was cold and rainy. We spent the week watching videos, being read to, and taking many naps! As the one week concluded and I was preparing for the next, I realized we did very little for V because of the flu, yet I was preparing to move on. But then I realized I don't have to move on, I can stay on V for another week, I have freedom! So V is for Valentine lasted two weeks :)
My main focus for Valentine was love and the heart shape. Adam learned to draw hearts (mine are pointed his have more of a rounded edge on the bottom :) We had heart shaped pancakes on Valentine's Day (this flu bug did not involve the stomach, just fevers, achy, and congestion) and heart shaped sandwiches later in the week. We jumped up and down and felt our hearts beating. We made valentine's cards and crafts for family and friends sending literal hugs across the country. Our "cards" where our handprints cut out and stapled to a piece of string as long as our arms - a hug :) Adam really impressed me cutting out his own hands. I wish I had taken a picture of his but his got mailed off to Anja (happy birthday!) Here's one of Beth's, which is going to Grandma Mae, to give you an idea... Our books for the week were Clifford's Valentine and Winnie the Pooh's Valentine's Day. They are both easy readers, not high quality content but simply friends making cards to share their love for each other.
One of my favorite aspects of V week was our Bible connection. Jason and Beth's memory verse this week happened to be "I am the vine, you are the branches." V is for Vine! So we ate grapes and colored our Bible verse Vine pictures. We then talked about how when we remain in Jesus, we produce fruit. What fruit - the Fruits of the Spirit. And what is one of the fruits - Love! So we talked about love :)
Happy Valentine's Day...or weeks as it may be!