The book has the added bonus that Frances likes to jump rope so we spent the week talking about both jelly and jumping. We tried jump rope and discovered that that's going to take some practice...and a better jump rope. But we still did a lot of jumping. Adam has learned a lot in gymnastics where there is a big focus on balance and coordination so he happily showed how well he can bounce on one foot and how he's learned to skip.
We also watched, and then continued to sing all week, a Sesame Street video that the older kids remember from their years of watching (we don't watch anymore but some of it sticks with you!) Sing! "J, J, jumping J, who'll join the jump with the jumping J..."
I also thought this would be a good week to review as J is the 10th letter of the alphabet. I filled a washed jelly jar with letters A-J, two of each, and Adam matched them all up. It's his jar of letters (I used Bananagrams tiles). He even went down the letters and said their sounds but when I tried to video him he told me that he's only able to do it one time so you'll just have to take my word that he knew all the sounds. I was impressed :)

Now that makes me want to jump!
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