Our last letter, the end of the alphabet, Z is for Zoo! We celebrated and went...can you guess...to the zoo!

The threat of rain took away our plans for going to THE zoo, the San Diego Zoo, but that's ok because we went to our local, much smaller Santa Ana Zoo and had a blast! We hadn't been to this tiny zoo in years, and it was fun to revisit remembering the old and enjoying the new. We were a bit disappointed that one of their animals is no longer with them - the capybara. Our book this week was Capyboppy, the true story of a family that adopts a capybara.

It was a fun book to read and a bit different then most of our books as it is loooooong. We read it as a chapter book taking the entire week to complete it. It's a fun book that had everyone laughing out loud. I just wish we had seen an actual capybara. This is where the capybara used to live:

Oh well, we did see a cast of its feet :)
In other Z words, we made zucchini bread. Adam did not want to make it because he doesn't like zucchini so Beth made the bread. And everyone enjoyed eating it because, "it's green bread that tastes like banana bread!"
Next week we will wrap up the alphabet with a bunch of fun ABC books. And then summer, here we come!!!