X is a challenging letter because really, it doesn't start any words with it's most common sound - "ks." It starts words with the "z" sound as in xylophone or xerus. Thi is why I am a big proponent of teaching x by using words such as fox or box. That said, I did x is for x-ray. We did fox last year and I considered ox but settled on x-ray. I found a fun book: You Can't See Your Bones with Binoculars. It has simple hand-drawn sketches with actual real x-ray films placed over parts of the body as it moves from the skull down to the toes. I'm thinking I want to own this book!
And we enjoyed learning about our bones and the amazing way x-rays are used to take pictures of our bones and our teeth! I didn't plan too much for x-ray week, only a craft where we used chalk to draw x-rays of our arms on black paper, but life's circumstances gave us many opportunities to learn about x-rays this week.
Here's a picture of Adam with his x-ray craft:
And then, here is Adam at the Discovery Science Center where they have x-ray samples of different bones. We went to say goodbye to the Elmo exhibit and finding this exhibit was bonus! I love how Adam stood there studying the arm and holding it over his arm. He was truly deep in thought, so fun to watch :)
Then we had a dentist appointment where I could show Adam the x-ray machine that the dentist uses to take pictures of our teeth. (no pictures of that experience :)
And finally, we experienced an all-too-real example of an x-ray and it's purpose as Jill, Adam's sister, broke her leg. She slipped on some mulch and twisted it.
It's a very unfortunate situation, although she's a trooper and doing alright, but what an opportunity to show Adam (and the whole family) actual x-rays of Jill's leg, and an example of a broken bone and what that looks like on the x-ray. I explained to the doctor that we just finished x is for x-ray week (he didn't seem to care and just wanted to move on...he's missing out!) Wish I could post a picture of the break. It's a spiral fracture and looks almost like a figure 8, very interesting (just wish it weren't so painful!)
So although it didn't end fabulously, X week turned out to be quite educational. We won't forget this one anytime soon :)
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