For C week, we read the book The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. This is a very simple story with a great message. A boy plants a seed and the family keeps telling the boy, "it won't come up." But he keeps caring for his seed and guess what? It comes up, and he harvests an enormous carrot. Every time we read the story, Adam smiled. It was a great book choice! What a relief after last week...
So how to celebrate C and carrots? We learned to peel them (and then ate them of course).

We juiced them (and added frozen fruit to make it super yummy).

And we sprouted our own seeds (they're lentils, not carrots, but the point was made.)

We also read other books about seeds, talked about ways seeds are dispersed, and how plants grow.

And it has nothing to do with carrots or seeds or even the letter C, but I just had to mention that we're loving our pool. Our community pool is heated and we've gone for our "PE" time at least weekly. I hope California lives up to it's good weather reputation so that we can swim for many more weeks!

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