We colored F fish pictures (copier worked, just not printer!) That's Adam's "fish face."
Whenever I can, I try to offer food shaped as the letter of the week. This is often done with pancakes. This week, however, it was chocolate sauce. There were raspberries for dessert with chocolate to dip. Adam doesn't like berries of any kind so he got a plate of chocolate for dessert, yummy!
As for our book, Barry the Fish With Fingers...It looked cute and inspiring.
Barry has fingers and can therefore do many things like count to ten, fingerpaint, and tickle (Adam's favorite part). What I didn't read until I had the library book at home was that Barry's "fingers" are actually fish sticks (you know, the frozen ones you eat!) and he gets a big box and then all the fish have fingers, yea! It is just slightly bizarre. I decided to go with it because it was Sunday night. Andrew called it cannibalistic. The kids thought it was funny. I won't be buying the book but it did inspire us to fingerpaint (it also inspired fish sticks for dinner, is that wrong?)
Jill loved fingerpainting and could have gone on for hours. Funny thing is she really focused on using just her one finger. I finally got her to use all her fingers at the end so I could get a 2 year old handprint picture :)
Jason went to both extremes creating a nice picture with a tree and stars and then just mushing all the colors together and making a mess.
Beth was her girly girl self barely using her fingers. She used a popsicle stick, sponges, and her one finger to create her pieces.

It was a fun week even though it was a little weak on the fish theme. I plan to make it up to Adam with a fish tank for Christmas :)
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