Adam loves practicing his letters and numbers in his rice tray.

I've recently been inspired to put together a family tree photo album. I want pictures and stories of people in our family that my grandchildren can read and see. With this in the making, I had to do G is for Grandparents. It may not have been as easy as grapes or goats but it was fun and meaningful. We looked through photo albums and talked about family. We explained and discussed what makes a grandparent (both biologically and emotionally). We had Grandma McCambridge and Grandpa Skelly send Adam a letter in the mail to make him feel special and loved by his grandparents. We colored our own pictures to mail to all our Grandparents. We read What Grandpas Do Best or was it What Grandmas Do Best.

And we made a family tree where we can hang pictures of Adam's grandparents and great-grandparents. I bet you didn't know our family tree was so colorful :)

Along with letter themes, we're also learning math. I must be honest, at the beginning of this year while doing a puzzle with Adam I discovered that he had no idea what a rectangle was. I was shocked. I felt so bad that somehow I hadn't sat down with him and done shape puzzles and talked about shapes and pointed out shapes. Isn't it amazing how we can beat ourselves up? Anyway, I explained what a rectangle is and decided to incorporate some sort of math into his day. This includes identifying shapes, patterns, and numbers, and recognizing patterns and comparisons. He loves coloring shapes and doing puzzles and most of all...finding shapes in our everyday world. Look...a circle!

I don't have to encourage this behavior. He does it all on his own and usually catches me by surprise. Did you know that the light panels in our kitchen are rectangles? I do now...And look! Squares behind him, and he's standing on a rectangle!

It's adorable and oh, so encouraging!
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